Written by
July 20, 2022
Mallika Malhotra
It’s the cold, hard truth —
Your brand is lost and not making traction.
Prospects are visiting your website and opening your emails, but no one is buying.
You have discovery calls, but later find out that your leads went to your competition instead.
If any of these scenarios strike a nerve, it’s time to evaluate what’s happening with your brand and why you’re not getting the results you want.
When your brand isn’t doing its job and your business isn’t experiencing healthy growth, the common roadblocks I’ve listed below are often the culprit.
Take a good, hard look and be honest with yourself — are any of these success-killing habits contributing to the downfall of your brand?
1) You’re obsessed with the competition.
You can’t stop stalking, watching, and scrolling. You know way too much about everyone else’s offers, sales pages and Instagram feeds. It’s getting out of hand, messing with your confidence, and consuming all your time.
If you’re caught up in the comparison trap, I want you to take a deep breath and understand that you must let. it. go. Put your blinders on and focus on your own path. Take the temptation to compare off the table if necessary by unsubscribing, unfollowing — whatever it takes! Keep your eyes on your own paper and use that energy to leverage your own strengths, skills and passions instead.
2) You are drowning in the blackhole of research.
You love to consume content — you can fill your day reading blogs, listening to podcasts, and watching webinars. While I am all for learning, there comes a time when we have to implement what we’ve learned and take action. If all you’re doing is downloading information, you need to take the next step. Your brand will continue to be stuck if you don’t actually DO things for your business.
Here’s a tip for all of you content lovers out there — create space in your calendar every week to soak up all that content you love. Listen, read and learn to your heart’s desire during that set time, but when that time is up, put it aside. Be sure to also prioritize your scheduled time blocks for implementation, and don’t let the two mix.
3) You are in constant need of validation.
You lack confidence in your decisions and choices, so you tend to always second guess yourself. You lean on so many different people and ask for so many opinions (even if those individuals don’t know anything about your business or your vision!)
This, my friend, is a surefire way to get STUCK.
No more gathering endless advice and opinions; You must stop wasting your time listening to all the ideas and perspectives. This approach leads to information overload.
Instead, invest in a mentor or coach who you trust — an expert who can give you true guidance. In the end, this will save you so much time, money, and energy!
4) You are chasing shiny objects.
Who doesn’t love new ideas, tactics and tech? But chasing the next big thing is rarely good for business. The constant switching from one idea to another is distracting for your audience and dangerous for the stability of your business. It wastes time, increases stress and creates a long list of unfinished projects.
The solution to shiny object syndrome? Confidence. Stop second guessing yourself, trust your gut, and stay focused and committed to your goals.
5) Ghosting much?
Do you struggle with being here today and gone tomorrow? I hate to break it to you, but your audience notices! The key to brand power is consistency. Your followers need to SEE you — this will improve your brand’s “know, like and trust factor”.
A busy entrepreneur must be purposeful about their visibility, so create pockets of time each day (or at least a few times a week) to post, comment, and respond to your audience on social media.
Overcoming these hurdles isn’t easy, especially when you’ve been trapped in the cycle for a while. But if you can allow yourself to get out of your own way, I know you can gain the traction, momentum and impact you need to experience success!
Join my Brand Breakthrough 4-month mastermind starting this September 2022! This mastermind will include only 6-8 women from different industries (so there’s no overlap), and everyone will get my full attention to skyrocket their growth, momentum and confidence. Accountability, consulting, camaraderie, PLUS a 2-day live meet up in Maine where members will receive new headshots in my studio — all the ingredients to get unstuck and build a powerful, sought-after brand.
Meet Your Brand Mentor
Hi, I’m Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO—an award-winning brand builder and niche expert. I’m passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs—women just like you! I’ll help you find your oh-so-you niche and share your brilliance with the world. Together, we’ll break through the noise and make your brand the go-to choice in your industry.
When not building brands, I’m either sipping coffee or enjoying a glass of red wine, diving into a stack of books, or dreaming of global adventures. I live in beautiful coastal Maine with my husband, three sons, and our mini Bernedoodle, Jax.
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