What does Homer’s Odyssey have in common with your business?
Just as Odysseus went on a hero’s journey and had to overcome loss, heartache, and pain before experiencing triumph and reaching home, your customer is on their own unique journey.
The hero’s journey is a story structure told often in our culture, in books, movies, and yes, even in branding! Donald Miller of Storybrand reminds us that when we create a brand that positions our customer as the hero and ourselves as their guide, we can become the Yoda to their Luke Skywalker (the sought-out expert they look to for answers).
Your audience is the most important part of your business, even more significant than the products and services you offer. Without them, your business wouldn’t survive.
IF YOU’RE READY to create a powerful brand, then you must turn the focus to your customers.
So what makes your customers tick?
They each have a challenge or goal.
They struggle with how to make it happen and get results.
They come to you willing to invest time, energy and money to fix the situation and make a change in their life.
How can we find these people, connect with them, and present ourselves as the solution to their problem?
The key is knowing your ideal customer WELL and creating a brand story that makes them feel seen and heard.
We must speak their language so our marketing efforts have maximum impact.
We must fully grasp their demographics, psychographics, lifestyle, mindset, dreams and fears.
We must understand and have empathy for their pain points and struggles.
Understanding these details will help you create compelling content that positions YOU as the guide who delivers the answer. If you struggle with getting clients or hear crickets when you launch a program/product or service, there’s a good chance you’re not super clear on who you serve.
Consider these five questions to nail your understanding of your ideal client and position your business as the brand solution for their woes.
1.What are their frustrations and fears? What do they worry about? What keeps them up at night?
i.e. I am scared to show up online and no-one will take me seriously.
2. What are their goals, desires and dreams that can be related to your work? What are their top three desires?
i.e. I want to double my income.
3. What specific problem do you solve? How do you take them from point A to point B? Where did they start out before they came to work with you?
i.e. I feel overwhelmed, overlooked and underpaid when it comes to my brand. Why do my competitors keep getting clients but I don’t?
4. What are their limiting beliefs? What stories are they telling themselves that are keeping them stuck?
i.e., There are so many other people doing what I am doing…why would they buy for me?
5. What are they afraid will happen if they don’t get the result? What is the emotional cost of not doing this work now?
i.e., I will feel like a failure and have to go back to a corporate job.
The answers to these questions will give you insight into your customer and help you tailor your messaging and marketing to their needs including
Your pitch
Your sales copy
Your offers
EVERYTHING will be more powerful once you know this insider information.
The more you understand your ideal customer and target audiences, the better you’ll be able to connect and market to them.
When you “get” them, they will experience a sense of belonging and community. You want to be the go-to solution to not only new customers but the right customers.
If you need help pinpointing your ideal client, your niche or any other foundational branding elements, I invite you to join the Brand Power Hour Community.
Mark your calendar for March 9th, 11am-12pm EST when we meet for a book club discussion on Effortless by Greg McKeown. Even if you haven’t read the book, still join us as we’ll be talking about the themes and concepts from the book! SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE.