Are you guilty of flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to your business?
I’ll be the first to admit, I used to jump head first into action without thinking through my intentions and forming a plan. After the rush of adrenaline wore off, I was left feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. This was no way to run a business!
When January rolls around, don’t fall for the temptation to just jump in and wing it. The most successful, powerful brands plan ahead so their goals can be reached easier and faster.
As we enter the month of November, now is the perfect time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t in 2022 and use that information to create a plan for the coming year. Before the holidays are in full swing, take time to look back and evaluate and look ahead to dream.
In this post, I’m sharing 3 steps you can take this fall to make sure you obliterate your 2023 business goals. Over the next week, I encourage you to create some white space in your schedule to audit, assess and activate your business plans, so you’re prepared on January 1 to jump in with purpose.
Step #1: Audit
Take an account of where you are currently. Be honest with the state of your brand at the moment.
What are your current offers, initiatives and collaborations? Write down everything that you have sold, led or participated in over the last year. This could include your core program offer, your free Facebook group, your lead magnet, recent speaking gigs, etc.
What is the current state of your brand? When clients are looking at your business, what do they see? Write down what the current state of your visual brand is including your website, social media channels, etc.
Where do you spend your time? Where are you spending your money? Jot down where you’re currently investing your time and resources.
Step #2 : Assess
Look at the Audit list above and rate each item from 1-10 on their ROI. How do each of these elements align with your brand mission, vision, values, and the enjoyment factor?
What am I doing now that is working well? What am I investing in that isn’t working?
What did I spend time on this past year that I enjoyed? What would I like to invite more of into my life, and what would I like to remove for good?
What am I doing that feels on-brand and is helping me reach my goals?
During this assessment, be honest and non judgmental. Don’t feel like you have to be positive about something you’ve created just because you spent a lot of time making it…sometimes things in business need to be let go to open the door for better opportunities.
Step #3 : Activate
Now it’s time to achieve those big, audacious goals I know you’ve been dreaming up! In this step, give yourself permission to envision something better. Get specific about what you hope to accomplish, and paint the picture of where you want to be in 6 months, 1 year, 3 years time.
As you’re dreaming, focus on the FEELING you want to create for your brand, business and life. With those feelings in mind, take a hard look at your business, and see what could be holding you back.
It’s time to earn your CEO title and make decisions on what you need to cut, edit, and remove so that you can be freed up to achieve your dream business.
Do you need to bundle some offerings together?
Do you need to add or create something new?
Do you need to hire?
Do you need to fire?
Do you need to pitch and become more visible?
Don’t be afraid to move your brand forward by taking these key steps. Change isn’t easy, but it is how growth happens. With only 2 months left in the year, the time is NOW to get ready for what is next. Follow the 3 steps Audit, Access and Activate to prepare your brand to flourish in 2023!