Written by
September 18, 2024
Mallika Malhotra
It’s easy to fade into the background, but what if your brand could stop people in their tracks? With a new season approaching, now’s your chance to make that happen!
As we swap our iced lattes for pumpkin spice and cozy sweaters, fall is a great opportunity to give your brand a fresh makeover. Think of it as a refresh for your business—just like updating your wardrobe for the season!
With so many brands out there, how do you make sure yours is the one everyone’s turning their heads to see?
Here are 3 key strategies to keep your brand from blending in and to make it unforgettable this fall.
One way to make your brand pop is to get specific about what you do. Instead of being a jack-of-all-trades, you must define your niche with precision. Need examples? Instead of just being a life coach, you could position yourself as a life coach specializing in burnout. Or, if you’re a relationship coach, you could focus specifically on dating for recently divorced moms. By honing in on a particular area, you not only reduce your competition but also become a go-to expert in your niched category.
This level of specialization makes you more memorable and easier to refer to. When potential clients are looking for someone who exactly fits their needs, your clear expertise will make you their top choice. So, get specific, and turn your niche into a strength!
Ask Yourself: What specific problem do I solve better than anyone else?
Write down your top 3 unique strengths and interests. Then, define your niche by combining these elements in a way that addresses a specific audience’s needs.
People can copy your methods, but they can’t replicate you—especially if you’ve nailed down your brand! This is why it’s important to create a distinct framework for your services that includes your unique steps and strategies. Give it a catchy name that encapsulates what makes your method special—like my “Bullseye Branding Formula.”
Your branded framework should highlight your distinctive approach and become synonymous with your brand.
Whether it’s a series of steps, a unique method, or a specific way of delivering results, make sure it’s recognizable as uniquely yours. By doing this, you not only set yourself apart from competitors but also build a memorable brand identity.
Ask Yourself: What is the specific process I follow that sets me apart from others in my field?
Outline your current approach in detail. Identify any unique steps or elements, and then develop a name and description that highlight what makes your method uniquely yours.
Don’t be afraid to voice your perspective and be vocal about your values! Whether you disagree with industry norms, have innovative ideas, or simply want to stand out from the conventional crowd, let your opinions be known. Being polarizing or unconventional can actually work in your favor.
As you share your viewpoint on industry issues, discuss what frustrates you, or highlight how your approach differs from the rest, authenticity is key. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and be drawn to your bold stance. By standing firm in your beliefs, your brand becomes more relatable and engaging.
Ask Yourself: What industry practices or opinions do I disagree with or find outdated?
Write a blog post or social media update sharing your viewpoint or taking a stand on a relevant topic. Make sure it reflects your authentic perspective and engages your audience in a meaningful conversation. Your unique perspective will not only set you apart but also position you as a leader in your industry.
As the season shifts, why not take a moment to breathe new life into your brand? By honing in on what makes you special, crafting a standout framework, and sharing your strong opinions, you’ll make sure your brand gets noticed. Use these strategies to not only outshine the competition but also forge a deeper connection with your audience.
Need help defining your niche and becoming bold in your zone of genius? Download my FREE Niche in 10 tool that will help you discover your expertise in minutes:
Meet Your Brand Mentor
Hi, I’m Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO—an award-winning brand builder and niche expert. I’m passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs—women just like you! I’ll help you find your oh-so-you niche and share your brilliance with the world. Together, we’ll break through the noise and make your brand the go-to choice in your industry.
When not building brands, I’m either sipping coffee or enjoying a glass of red wine, diving into a stack of books, or dreaming of global adventures. I live in beautiful coastal Maine with my husband, three sons, and our mini Bernedoodle, Jax.
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