Written by
September 20, 2023
Mallika Malhotra
Welcome back to the Ready Set Brand series! Last week, we explored how a powerful brand mission can help you connect deeply with your audience.
This week is all about BRAND VISION: why vision matters for your business, how to let go of fear and dream on a grand scale, and how to craft your own brand vision statement. Get ready to set audacious goals and design the life and business you desire!
A business with vision is a business that’s moving forward.
Is your brand stuck in the here and now? Casting a vision for the future of your brand is a powerful practice that will help launch your business forward. This is what Brand Vision is all about — reaching for the stars and setting goals that will motivate you, guide you in decision making, and inspire your audience.
Brand Vision goes beyond the day-to-day tasks — it focuses on the future direction. Your brand vision should answer the questions:
What kind of work will you be doing in the future?
What clients will you be helping?
Who will you be surrounding yourself with?
Giving Yourself Permission to Dream
The first step in casting your brand vision may sound simple, but it’s something many entrepreneurs get stuck on: Letting go of limitations, fear, and mindset blocks and giving yourself permission to imagine the possibilities.
Yes, it may be scary, but go ahead and allow yourself to envision the highest potential for your brand. The sky’s the limit! Don’t hold back as you dare to dream the most ambitious aspirations for your business.
Your Brand Vision Statement
Now that you’ve allowed yourself to dream those high-reaching dreams, it’s time to declare them in an intentional way — to put pen to paper and to share them out loud with confidence. Doing this in the form of a brand vision statement will keep you accountable and set things in motion.
Why Brand Vision Matters
A vision statement provides purpose, direction, and inspiration for your goals and actions moving forward. It keeps you focused, helps you avoid distractions, and builds a strong connection with your audience. A clear and specific vision helps you stand out from the competition and guides your marketing efforts. Without a compelling vision, your brand may drift aimlessly, causing confusion and inconsistency.
Craft Your Own Brand Vision Statement
Grab your journal or open up a Google doc, and get ready to answer these future-focused questions.
Revisit your “why”. Where do you want to head in the future? What is the mission behind your business?
Define your special sauce and what makes your business special. How do you do things differently?
Outline your values. What do you believe in?
Think about the future and what you want to accomplish. What problem do you hope to solve?
Think about the impact and movement you want to create. How can your brand change the world?
Decide what you want to be known for and build your reputation around. What could you be the “world’s best” at?
Take these answers and use them to create a vision statement that explains not only what you hope to offer your clients in the future, but also what you hope to be known for and what type of results you want to achieve in the years to come.
Brand Vision Examples:
Need some inspiration? Take a look at these brand vision statements that clearly capture the distinct objective of the companies:
Facebook/Meta: “Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”
Ben & Jerry’s: “Making the best ice cream in the nicest possible way.”
MallikaMalhotra.Co: “In three years, Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO, will be a globally recognized brand mentor, niche specialist, and highly sought-after speaker, inspiring and empowering women entrepreneurs worldwide. Our vision is to build a supportive global community that recognizes and celebrates women’s leadership, expertise, and contributions. Join us in creating a world where every woman can achieve success on her own terms.”
Take Brand Action
Now it’s time to take action. Here are a few ways to share your brand vision:
Record a video on social media. When you open up and share from the heart, your audience will be captivated by your passion and enthusiasm.
Print out your vision statement. Keep it at your workspace as a constant reminder of your big goal. Use it as motivation to stay focused and driven.
Share your vision at networking events. Engage with others by asking about their vision and sharing yours — a vision statement can spark meaningful conversations and inspire like-minded individuals to collaborate.
Our brands need a future outlook. When we embrace the power of casting vision and let it fuel our actions, our BIG dreams really can turn into reality.
The Brand Confidential Blueprint is a workbook designed to help you unlock your brand brilliance in a step-by-step “just-tell-me-what-to-do” brand strategy guide. GRAB YOUR COPY!
Stay tuned for the final part of our Ready Set Brand series, where we’ll uncover the secrets of crafting a compelling brand message. Get ready to captivate hearts and make a lasting impact!
Meet Your Brand Mentor
Hi, I’m Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO—an award-winning brand builder and niche expert. I’m passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs—women just like you! I’ll help you find your oh-so-you niche and share your brilliance with the world. Together, we’ll break through the noise and make your brand the go-to choice in your industry.
When not building brands, I’m either sipping coffee or enjoying a glass of red wine, diving into a stack of books, or dreaming of global adventures. I live in beautiful coastal Maine with my husband, three sons, and our mini Bernedoodle, Jax.
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