Written by
October 19, 2022
Mallika Malhotra
Being an entrepreneur is about more than just collecting money to pay the bills. When you’re a business owner, you have the opportunity to build your own life. You can create something that fulfills you and makes an impact.
This time of year is perfect to start planning how to make those business-changing modifications that will lead to substantial growth next year and beyond. After all, if you don’t know where you want to go, how will your business ever get there?
Build Your Foundation
A successful brand always starts with a strong foundation. The best first step to take in building your brand empire is to dream BIG and focus on your Brand Vision.
Your Brand Vision is the future forecast of your business. It is your dream for the future. By catching a brand vision, you will set the stage for the future direction of your business.
To get started, carve out some time to dream and scheme about your business.
There’s only one rule here — nothing is off the table! I want you to give yourself the permission to think about the possibilities. Identify your ambitious desires — those dreams you just can’t shake.
What is it that you want for your business and your life?
How do you want to wake up in the morning?
Who do you want to work with and what programs do you want to lead?
How much money do you really want to make?
Don’t be afraid to speak out loud (or write on paper) what you truly aspire to become. This is the time to dream and boldly plan what the future holds for your brand.
Let’s start with your Brand Vision
The questions above give you clues to where your brand is heading. If you’ve fallen into the trap of feeling scattered, lost or being perpetually “busy” in the past, this post will help you refocus and develop a clear vision for the future.
As entrepreneurs, we can so easily get bogged down in the day to day details, we forget to actually think about what we want the future to look like for our brand. Creating a brand vision on paper will help keep you focused, acting as your “north star.”
Time to Brainstorm!
Grab your pen and paper or open up a new Google doc — we’re going to set big goals, starting with the present and going out 1 year and 5 years into the future. (If you dare, go for 10 years, too!) Shake off the fears, let go of the money hurdles and mindset blocks, and be willing to ask yourself what you really want.
#1 — Where are you NOW?
What is the current state of your brand? What kinds of clients are working with? What products and services are selling well and what aren’t’?
Be honest. Celebrate the wins but also identify the areas for improvement.
#2 — Where do you want to be in 1 year?
When 2023 comes to an end, what do you hope to have achieved? What do you plan to create this coming year? What growth do you want to see take place? What type of clients do you want to attract?
Be strategic about the offerings you plan to launch and make sure they align with your brand, your niche and the needs of your ideal customer.
#3 — Where will you be in 5 years?
How big or small will your business be in 5 years? Will you have a team or will you be working solo? What do you want your brand to look like? What will you be an expert in?
Expand your mind to think how you can grow your brand, serve your audience, and make more impact in the long term. Don’t let target limitations or those pesky money-mindset gremlins get in your way of dreaming big!
#4 — Determine what role you will play.
Think about what you want to let go of and do less of in your business.
What feels cumbersome or daunting? What tasks can you delegate to free up more time for you to be the CEO — to lead and create?
Now switch it up and think about what you want to do more of.
What do you love to do when you don’t have any time limits? What parts of your business could you work on for hours? What brings you the most joy?
Brand Vision Brain Dump
Use the worksheet below to create goals that will move you forward. By taking time to gain clarity on what you truly desire, you have a better chance of actually achieving it.
I know it’s so easy to let fear, limited beliefs, mindset chatter, comparison-itis, and imposter syndrome get in our way of moving forward.
Believe me when I say, we have ALL faced these challenges. But the future of our brands depend on our willingness to push through the fear and formulate a vision that will propel us forward.
I want to encourage you to have courage and let yourself dream without the constraint of playing it safe. Great things can happen when you push yourself beyond your comfort zone!
Think about it this way…
If you say yes to the speaking gig, you can position yourself as an expert.
If you commit to launching a podcast, you can share your thought leadership with more people.
If you start getting visible with video, you can connect faster with your audience.
If you decide to raise your prices, you can earn more money to invest in your business and yourself.
The possibilities are endless when you keep the future of your brand in clear focus. Great brands take the lead and design their own future.
What will your brand become? Connect with me on Instagram and tell me all about your brand vision!
Meet Your Brand Mentor
Hi, I’m Mallika Malhotra, The Brand CEO—an award-winning brand builder and niche expert. I’m passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs—women just like you! I’ll help you find your oh-so-you niche and share your brilliance with the world. Together, we’ll break through the noise and make your brand the go-to choice in your industry.
When not building brands, I’m either sipping coffee or enjoying a glass of red wine, diving into a stack of books, or dreaming of global adventures. I live in beautiful coastal Maine with my husband, three sons, and our mini Bernedoodle, Jax.
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